Momo & Pompa Contemporary Art Studio-Gallery

Momo & Pompa Contemporary Art Studio-Gallery
Location: Kinected Co-Working
10401 Interstate10
San Antonio, TX 78230
Hours: Tues-Fri, 9am – 4pm (except during scheduled events) or by appointment
Call us: 512-638-3483 
Email us:

Please contact us to schedule an appointment to view the contemporary art studio-gallery. The gallery is located on the first floor #109 in Kinected Co-Working offices and conference facility.
Walk-ins are welcome during business hours, Mon.- Fri.. 9am-4pm.
Enter into the frontdoor of Kinected and sign in at the registration desk in the reception lobby.  

 Contact us via email, text, phone, or schedule an appointment to meet if interested and/or to discuss purchase and lease options, availability, and/or pricing (prices vary per artwork, event, and or type of art service), for any of the following:

  ♦ Original paintings and photography
  ♦ Leasing our original mixed media light sculptures for public and private events (see images and highlighted images of previous events)
  ♦ Exhibitions/Installations
  ♦ Digital artwork (images on the website are only sample highlights),
  ♦ Interior/exterior art staging/lease of artwork (paintings, sculptures, photography for business, real estate, conference events, lobbies, etc.)
  ♦ Custom artwork for businesses or personal
  ♦ Group Presentations and workshops
  ♦ Media interviews/Press
  ♦ Live artwork demonstrations (especially for conference events, non-profit fundraisers)
  ♦ Digital artwork may include lease of images for products, conference promos, and/or wall and building projections of our artwork for your events
  ♦ Products on demand or customizations of bulk artwork, prints and products for conferences, etc.
  ♦ Publications
  ♦ Art donations for non-profit fundraisers
  ♦ Voluteer opportunities